Pillayar Nonbu |
Venue: |
Nagara Viduthi, Coral Merchant Street, Mannady, Chennai - 1. |
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Pillayar Nonbu is an unique function of nagarthars.
History of Pillayar Nonbu
A nagarathar girl was accused of stealing her step mother's diamond ring in kaviri poompatinam. The girl prayed Maragatha Vinayagar daily counting the days by a thread from her saree.
The diamond ring was found and her innocence was revealed on 21st day of her prayer in the month of Margali when sashti thithi and sathayam star coincide.
To commemorate this, we celebrate pillayar nonbu. 21 threads are taken from a new cloth and formed as a wick and then cut into small pieces. These small wicks are placed on a cone shaped dough(izhai maavu) made of rice flour,jagerry and ghee. Then wicks are lighted and taken as prasathams.
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