Aadi Velli(ஆடிவெள்ளி)
Start Date:   Aug 4, 23
End Date:   Aug 11, 23
Viewed:   1031   times
Aadi velli is special for various Ammans. Fridays of Tamil month AADI are considered very auspicious.

It is considered auspicious to get darshan and offering pooja for Amman (shakthi) on Fridays of AADI month.
The form of Shakthi shrine in all three temples are identical and it is more auspicious if possible to visit these temples on a full moon day which falls on a friday.

Vadi Vudai Amman ( Thiruvotriyur) : This Goddess represents Jnana Shakti - meaning the one blesses with knowledge. She is also known as the Beauty Goddess.

Kodi Vudai Amman ( Thirumaullaivayil) : This Goddess represents Kriya Shakti, and assists us in all our actions.

Thiru Vudai Amman ( Melur) : This Goddess represents Ichcha Shakti. She fulfills the devotee's desires