Young Nagarathar Achievement: Ms.R.Nagammai Nachu Jun 13, 11 |
Nagarathargateway.com wishes to highlight our nagarathars who show extraordinary talent and determination in academic and non-academic spheres covering sports, arts, music and education etc.
R Nagammai Nachu, daughter of Mr. L. Ramu (Karaikudi) an accountant and Mrs Nachal Ramaswamy, currently home maker has secured 10 points in CBSE 10th exams with the maximum points alloted in 10th Standard point based exams from Chinmaya Vidyalaya, Chennai. Points alloted are not only based on the final exams, but also tests taken through out the year. Let us join to congratulate Nagammai Nachu for achieving the feast and making us proud. We wish her to excel in the years to come and do immense service to our community and mankind.
Congrats and Best Wishes Nagammai Nachi. Attached is the mark sheet of her achievement.
If your daughter or son or a nearby nagarathar neighbor has done some achievements and needs to be recognised, send all details to info@nagarathargateway.com