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i have worked in tn pwd in various posts - joined as a.e and retired as c.e..i have got lot of experience in the usage of construction chemicals for new building construction and old building repair works..i am a trainer for tnpwd engineers (delivering technical lecture on concrete repair works using construction chemicals and other related subjects) after my retirement in february 2005 as per the instruction of my father ar.k.nallappa chettiar i have conducted several meetings with our udan pangaligal who are all the shareholders of our chotttinad house at kallal , sivagangai district and started repair works and compled in the year 2006 . i was incharge of technical portion mr an.ahappa chettiar ,my chithappa son was incharge of accounts under the general guidance of mr meyyappa chettiar our chinnayyah son. we have successfully completed the project withiin a short period.. now we are all free from the worries of any leakage problem in our chittinad house which was built by the hard earned money of our great grandfather (late) AT.N.ARUNACHALAM CHETTIAR OF KALLAL...STILL WE ARE PROUD OF OUR HOUSE AND HAVING BIRTH SATISFACTION AND JOB SATISFACTION ON MAITAING OUR PARAMBARIYA HOUSE..FROM THAT DAY ONWARDS I HAVE STARTED RENOVATION WORK OF OLD BUILDINGS ESPECIALLY FOR CHETTINAD HOUSES |